Why should you take collagen?

Why should you take collagen?

Its probably the most asked question I get, and while studies do show it is fantastic for hair growth, nail strength and skin rejuvenation, there are so many better benefits of taking it.

Firstly, there are 3 types of collagen and each one has a different job. Type I builds skin, bones, tendons, and ligaments. Type II helps to make cartilage, the flexible tissue between bones and in your ears and nose. Type III helps create muscles and blood vessels.

Type 1 and 3 are your most common types, found in bovine collagen, and type 2 is typically found in fish collagen.

Now for my favourite part, one of the first things collagen does, is it repairs your gut lining ... and why is this important? Well, a perforated gut lining means your body cannot absorb nutrients sufficiently leading to a loss of nutrients going through your digestive system.
It also causes your gut health (the reason we take pre/probiotics) to decline which can result in a number of health issues, including your skin.

A very important reason to take collagen is that collagen powder keeps arteries healthier. Keep in mind that after you take a collagen supplement, your digestive system breaks it down into amino acids. Your body then puts these amino acids together to form new proteins. That is going to help you repair muscles and tendons, generate new skin and support your joints, to name a few.

So tell me what are your favourite reasons for taking collagen?
And do you buy products that contain collagen or do you buy plain collagen?

Collagen benefits:

On the inside:

  • Boosts metabolism
  • Builds muscle mass
  • Aids injury recovery
  • Strengthens ligaments and tendons
  • Assists repair of leaky gut
  • Eliminates waste deposits
  • Promotes a healthy gut
  • Maintains joint health

On the outside:

  • Improves signs of ageing
  • Supports skin elasticity
  • Promotes nail strength
  • Prevents hair loss & thinning
  • Reduces cellulite & stretch marks


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